*** ON YOUR AUTHORITATIVE SERVER *** 1. Change to the directory where the zone resides, and make a backup of the zone (assuming it's called "mytld"), just in case $ cd /etc/namedb/master $ sudo cp mytld mytld.backup Also create a directory for the keys to live in, and let's create them $ sudo mkdir /etc/namedb/keys $ sudo chown bind /etc/namedb/keys $ cd /etc/namedb/keys 2. Generate first key pair (Zone Signing Key - ZSK) $ sudo dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA256 -b 1024 -n ZONE mytld The output will be something like: Generating key pair....................++++++ ...........................................................................................................++++++ Kmytld.+008+51333 4. Generate second key pair (Key Signing Key - KSK) $ sudo dnssec-keygen -f KSK -a RSASHA256 -b 2048 -n ZONE mytld Again you will see output similar to this: Generating key pair.............................................+++ ..........................................................................+++ Kmytld.+008+52159 Let's look at the keys: # ls -l Kmytld.+008+5* -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 203 Nov 29 00:07 Kmytld.+008+51333.key -rw------- 1 root wheel 937 Nov 29 00:07 Kmytld.+008+51333.private -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 247 Nov 29 00:07 Kmytld.+008+52159.key -rw------- 1 root wheel 1125 Nov 29 00:07 Kmytld.+008+52159.private 5. Add the public keys to the end of the zone file: Edit the zone file for "mytld" and add the keys at the end: To know which files to include: $ cd /etc/namedb/master $ ls -lC1 /etc/namedb/keys/K*key (copy the file names so you don't have to type then in by hand) In the file "mytld", or whatever name you picked, add the lines corresponding to your keys) $ sudo ee mytld ; Keys to be published in DNSKEY RRset $include "/etc/namedb/keys/Kmytld.+008+51333.key" ; ZSK $include "/etc/namedb/keys/Kmytld.+008+52159.key" ; KSK Increment the serial number. Save and exit. 6. Sign the zone with the keys $ cd /etc/namedb/keys $ sudo dnssec-signzone -x -o mytld -k Kmytld.+008+52159 ../master/mytld Kmytld.+008+51333 You should see as output: Verifying the zone using the following algorithms: RSASHA256. Zone signing complete: Algorithm: RSASHA256: KSKs: 1 active, 0 stand-by, 0 revoked ZSKs: 1 active, 0 stand-by, 0 revoked ../master/mytld.signed NOTE: although we don't really need to specifiy which keys we'll be using - by default dnssec-signzone will sign using the keys it finds listed in the zone (those we added via the $include statement in step 4) - it is a good idea to do it anyway. This is to be very clear which keys we're using, especially when you have multiple keys. The signed zone has been written out in the master/ directory, so let's check it out: $ cd /etc/namedb/master/ $ ls -l mytld* -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 292 Nov 29 00:08 mytld -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 4294 Nov 29 00:20 mytld.signed Take a look at the zone contents, and observe the new records and signatures. 7. Notice that a set of DS records has been generated, and is ready to be communicated to your parent zone: $ cd /etc/namedb/keys/ $ ls -l dsset-* -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 155 Nov 29 00:22 dsset-mytld. Look at the contents of the dsset: $ cat dsset-mytld. You should see two lines, one for each hashing algorithm used on the KSK. 8. Change the /etc/namedb/named.conf definition that loads the zone, to point to the signed zone: $ sudo ee /etc/namedb/named.conf zone "mytld" { type master; file "/etc/namedb/master/mytld.signed"; // load the signed zone }; 9. Also in the named.conf, enable dnssec (for the authoritative part): ... in the options { .. }; section, add the following dnssec-enable yes; 10. Reconfigure/restart your nameserver $ sudo rndc reconfig You may also want to, but it is probably not necessary, do: $ sudo rndc reload mytld ... to "force" a reload of the zone. reconfig should normally do this, but it doesn't hurt :) 11. Test that the nameserver is answering with DNSSEC records: $ dig @ mytld SOA +dnssec 12. Now you need to make sure that your slave has ALSO configured their nameserver to enable dnssec in their configuration (step 8). They should have done it since they are working on the same lab, but check anyway! To test: $ dig @10.0.Y.1 mytld SOA +dnssec ... where Y is the IP of the partner you picked to be slave for your domain - this could be the instructor, check with them. 13. You now need to communicate the DS to your parent Talk to your root manager on the way to communicate the DS. It could be using scp or using a web interface. a) if using the RZM: Go to https://rzm.dnssek.org/ Login (you should have signed up earlier) Check to see under Trust Anchor Details that your DS has automatically appeared AND matches. It is NOT automatically activated - the only thing the the RZM has done is "see" the DNSKEY supposedly you have published and is waiting for your confirmation to enable th DS in the parent zone. Match the trust anchors with the dsset-mytld. file contents viewed above and then click on either or both "eye" icons (only one trust anchor is needed) till you get a "check" and then click "Update" b) if not using the RZM: If your root manager says to use scp, do as follows: $ cd /etc/namedb/keys $ scp dsset-mytld. sysadm@a.root-servers.net: ... this will copy the file "dsset-mytld." into the "qdm" user directory on the a.root-server, where the root manager will include it into the root zone for signing. Notify them when you have uploaded the file if using the "scp" method. 14. Wait a few minutes for the DS to be included in the (root) zone It may take a minute for the DS records to propagate through the class root system (update the unsigned root zone file, sign it, publish on root servers, loaded into caching resolver... etc). To verify that the DS is included in the parent (root) zone: dig @a.root-servers.net DS mytld. Once you are certain that the DS is included in the parent zone, using dig: ... then you can begin to test validation! 15. Test that the AD bit is set: # dig @ +dnssec www.MYTLD. Is it ? If not, note that the root manager may not have necessarily signed the root zone with your DS included yet, OR due to the *negative TTL*, the DS record may not be in the cache of the resolver. You may have to wait, but check with your root manager, and you can always check at the root: # dig @a.root-servers.net DS mytld. ... to verify that the DS is published. Then it's a matter of waiting for the cache to expire on the resolver, before you can verify your signatures. Alternatively, don't wait and proceed to enable validation in your own resolver (resolv.grpX.dns.nsrc.org) - see the relevant lab!